Sealions give wet kisses
It was a fishy moment to remember forever. Here I was just standing there minding my own business taking pictures with a sealion and suddenly he kissed me! It was a great big sloppy wet fish kiss! Just imagine a giant 1000 pound wet kiss dripping down your cheek. That's right! Big wet fishy kisses of love from a giant sealion. What a moment! The trainers told me I had to remove my glasses and keep my hands to my side and not move at all. Stand like a tree! Yes I was kind of worried for a second. Seriously! A sealion has big teeth and a huge mouth! He could have easily bit my head right off and crunched me up in one second. I did survive though and now I can sit here and tell you all about it...It was cold, it was wet and it was fishy. Next time you get a sealion kiss be sure to bring a towel and maybe some wet wipes to wash off the slobber.
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